Recruitment software features


Job offers

Post job offers on your website and follow the application process within the Kanban view.

Employment websites

Link job offers from different employment websites to your module and keep an eye on all your offers.

Recruitment process management

Manage a pipeline of candidates for your open positions and get organized with smart activities management.


Manage everything from application emails to automatic answers right from the app.

Automatic indexation

Create a repository with all your applicants' resumes, well organized and instantly accessible.

Calendar integration

Schedule interviews and send meeting invites directly from Odoo and synchronise your Odoo calendar with Google Calendar.


Keep track of all your applicants.


Send online offers

Generate offer links for the selected candidates. Let them review the offer, upload their personal information and sign the offer.

Salary configurator

Let your employees build their own benefits package: gross salary, time off, meal voucher, etc.